
Breast Augmentation in Sydney

Breast Augmentation Surgery With Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Ellis Choy

Dr Ellis Choy is pleased to offer a wide array of breast surgery options. Many women come from across Australia seeking his expertise in breast augmentation and other breast enhancement procedures.

Breast augmentation one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures worldwide. There are many reasons for the ongoing popularity of this procedure. Modern breast implants are more advanced than their predecessors with an array of shapes and sizes to choose from, and today’s state-of-the-art surgical techniques can produce a more natural appearance than older methods.

Dr Choy has extensive experience in breast augmentation using implants or fat grafting. Enquire today to learn more about your options for breast enhancement.


Breast augmentation (also called breast enlargement or augmentation mammaplasty) is most commonly performed on women with smaller (A or B cup) breasts. It can also be helpful in revolumising breasts that have reduced in size as a natural result of ageing or following pregnancy or breastfeeding. Breast augmentation can offer these women a fuller, more shapely and more symmetrical breast appearance.

Other reasons to consider breast augmentation might include:

  • One breast is smaller than the other or looks noticeably different
  • You feel your body proportions look imbalanced 
  • You’ve lost volume and shape following weight loss


Satisfactory breast augmentation outcomes start with a healthy and genuine working relationship between the client and their surgeon. You have many factors to consider, including your personal goals, the type of implants to be used, the appropriate placement of the implants and getting sufficient care during recovery. Considering all these aspects is crucial to creating an appropriate surgery plan for yyou.

Dr Ellis Choy aims to make breast augmentation surgery a caring and personal experience that prioritises patient education and sets your mind at ease from the beginning, enabling you to make decisions about your care with confidence.

Your in-person consultation is an ideal time to explore different implant sizes and styles. You can even try on a surgical bra fitted with different implants to give you a better idea of the possible outcomes. During your consultation with Dr Choy, you can expect to discuss:

  • The condition of your breasts, including the quality of the existing breast tissue
  • Where the incisions will be placed
  • The size, shape and type of implants to be used
  • The positioning of your implants (above or below the chest muscles)
  • The risks and complications associated with breast augmentation
  • The anticipated recovery timeline and aftercare guidelines
  • Reasonable expectations for the outcome of your surgery

You can openly discuss anything that might concern you during your consultation with Dr Choy — because if it is important to you, it is also important to your surgeon. This includes anything in your medical history that could impact your results or any apprehensions you may have about your surgery or results. In fact, the more open you are during this process, the better aligned you will be with your surgeon. This is why Dr Choy so strongly emphasises the importance of having a thorough and unguarded consultation.


There are two main types of breast implants available to plastic surgery patients in Australia. These options give women important choices about how their breasts will look and feel after their surgery. Each option comes in different sizes, and one in different shapes, to provide women an even greater opportunity to personalise their results. Let’s explore these two different types of breast implants so you can begin thinking about your preferences.


A saline implant is made up of a lightweight silicone shell filled with saline water — water with a high salt content that has been sterilised. For many years, saline implants were the primary type of implant for breast augmentation in Australia. However, in recent years, they have been overtaken in popularity by their silicone counterparts.

Saline implants tend to lack the realism and the naturalness of silicone implants, although high-quality results can still be achieved. In the event of rupturing or damage to the implant, the saline water is absorbed into the breast tissue and the implant quickly deflates, alerting the patient to the rupture. This makes diagnosis of a rupture easier and faster, leading to fewer complications than rupture of a silicone gel implant.


The silicone implant is a more recent development in the world of breast augmentation. These implants are now widely preferred over their saline predecessors thanks to the more natural and realistic look they can achieve for some patients. Dr Choy and his team strongly favour silicone implants over saline versions.

In the event of rupturing or damage, a silicone breast implant may not produce an obvious change in volume and the patient may not realise what has happened. The silicone may leak out into the scar tissue capsule immediately surrounding the implant, which can pose more risk than a leak from a saline implant.

Each type of breast implant has advantages and disadvantages. Together with Dr Choy, you will evaluate the risks and benefits to make a choice you feel comfortable with.


Selecting the type of implants that will be used in your procedure is only one part of the breast augmentation preparation process. You will also make decisions about the shape and texture of your implants, the size and projection of the implants, the placement of the implants in your body and the incision technique that will be used.

There is no right or wrong choice with many of these considerations. However, each option has distinct advantages and disadvantages that will influence your final choice. Dr Choy will guide you through the decision-making process to ensure you understand all facets of the breast augmentation procedure and make choices that align with your anatomy and goals.

For example, you and Dr Choy will discuss the placement of your implants. Implants are traditionally placed either above the pectoral muscle (subglandular/submammary placement) or beneath the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement). Submuscular placement may be beneficial for women with little natural breast tissue because it increases the amount of tissue covering the implant, creating a more natural look and feel. Women with ample breast tissue can achieve a natural look with subglandular placement because their natural tissue will cover the implant sufficiently. Women who lead active lifestyles may also prefer subglandular placement because it does not disrupt the chest muscle.


Many prefer the dual-plane surgical technique for breast augmentation. For years, the gold standard for breast augmentation has been to ensure that as much soft tissue is covering the breast implant as possible during the procedure. This is more difficult to achieve using the single-plane method, in which the breast implant is covered by a uniform layer of soft tissue.

However, this became more achievable with the introduction of the dual-plane method by Dr John B. Tebbets. This method positions the breast implant behind two planes of tissue and in front of the chest wall, in an area known as the dual-plane pocket. The upper portion of the implant is covered by a layer of breast muscle, breast tissue and skin. The lower portion is covered only by breast tissue and skin because the breast muscle has been repositioned.

This method can create a more natural breast presentation and is the method favoured by Dr Choy. Most women can have a dual-plane breast augmentation, but the only way to determine this for certain is through a thorough, in-personal consultation and examination by Dr Choy.


Breast augmentation surgeries are usually performed under general anaesthesia and take about an hour to complete. The operation may take longer if it involves more invasive or complex procedures. (You will have already covered these possibilities during your consultation.) Generally, an incision is first made under your existing breast and a pocket is formed. Your implant will then be inserted into the pocket and positioned to create the desired symmetrical and aesthetic effect.

A local anaesthetic may be administered to assist during the operation and with postoperative pain relief. Bandages and dressings are applied to restrict unnecessary movement during the healing phase.

Depending on your individual requirements, you may be allowed to return home on the same day as your surgery. In some cases, an overnight stay in-hospital for rest and recovery is advised. After being given the ‘all-clear’ by Dr Choy, you will be allowed to return home. Throughout the surgical process, Dr Choy’s helpful staff will be available to assist you with any follow-up information or advice you may require.


Breast augmentation with implants has been performed for decades, but it is no longer the only option. Fat grafting, also called fat transfer, is a newer technique that allows excess fat to be taken from one area of the body and moved to another. Using this approach, Dr Choy can enhance your breasts without foreign material, while simultaneously slimming and contouring another part of your body.

Breast fat grafting is a two-part procedure. First, fat is harvested from a donor area using liposuction. Then, it is strategically injected into the breasts. The overall effect is the creation of enhanced breast shape and volume along with body shaping in another area.

Breast fat grafting may be the right choice for women who prioritise a natural look and feel from their breast augmentation. The procedure is less invasive than a traditional implant augmentation, requires less recovery time and leaves less scarring. It also avoids the potential for implant-related complications or the future need to replace implants.

The potential drawbacks to this method are that it cannot achieve a significant increase in volume and the outcomes are less predictable than using implants, as some of the fat will not survive the transfer. It may also interfere with breast cancer screening.

Your initial consultation with Dr Choy will establish your breast augmentation goals and determine whether fat grafting is a suitable option for you.


Dr Choy’s tireless commitment to patient care doesn’t end when you leave the operating theatre. He will amply prepare you for your recovery before you have your surgery, so you understand how to care for yourself and what restrictions you will need to follow. He will be there for you afterward to answer any questions and perform routine follow-ups to ensure you are recovering as expected and address issues promptly should any arise. You will be able to reach Dr Choy in the event that something unexpected occurs at any point during this process.

breast augmentationHere’s what you will experience immediately after surgery. There will be some initial discomfort and swelling after your operation. Your new breasts may also feel abnormally firm at first, but will return to a more natural state as recovery progresses. You will be advised regarding appropriate care for the surgical site during recovery. Dressings or healing tape can be applied when you return to Dr Choy for a progress check-up.

There will be a scar under the breast. The appearance of the scar should steadily improve over time, eventually fading to a colour that is closer to your natural skin tone. Scars are not expected to disappear completely. Any internal stitches will dissolve.

Dr Choy will recommend a bra to wear after breast augmentation, along with instructions for how long you must wear it. Most patients wear a surgical support bra day and night for one to two weeks, then transition to a comfortable sports bra. Underwire bras should be avoided as they can irritate the healing incisions, making the scars more visible. Dr Choy will advise you on when you can return to wearing underwire bras.

You should resume work, exercise and regular activities at a slow and conscientious pace to avoid disrupting the recovery process. Strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be postponed for at least a month after surgery. It is important to remember that, even at the end of this month-long period after surgery, your breast augmentation recovery is still ongoing. This means that while vigorous exercise, heavy lifting and any activity that places strain on the body is now possible, you should approach this tentatively and with caution.

If you experience pain  at any point during the augmentation recovery process, give Dr Choy and his team a call. He will advise you on how to manage the discomfort with pain medication or ask you to come in to determine an appropriate course of action given your circumstances. Remember: your safety and comfort are of utmost importance!


By selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon to perform your breast augmentation, you can lower your risk for problems or side effects from surgery. Dr Choy’s training, along with today’s technological advancements and well-manufactured implants, help reduce your risk of complications, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture. However, all surgical procedures carry risk, and you must weigh this up when considering whether breast augmentation is right for you.

Even if you have a smooth surgery and recovery, you should not expect your implants to last forever. For example, an unexpected trauma or injury to the chest area could require you to have your implants replaced. Implant failure due to age is also a possibility, as they are not designed to be lifetime devices.

Implants can often remain in the body for 10 years or more without reason for removal or replacement. If you are not experiencing any problems, even if you have had your implants for 10 years or longer, you will likely not need to do anything, but it will always be the safest course of action to schedule a routine follow-up as a preventative measure around this time.

If you do have complications or change your mind about your breast implants, there are options. Your breast implants can be exchanged for new implants if you have problems like capsular contracture, rupture, displacement, rippling or other complications. Your implants can also be exchanged if your aesthetic tastes evolve and you want a new size, shape or style. Breast implant removal, or explantation, is an option if you wish to remove your implants entirely. Secondary breast surgery is often more complex than primary breast surgery.

Dr Choy is a proud member of the Australian Breast Device Registry and is committed to helping his patients maintain their implant health in the years after their breast augmentation.

Click here to view our breast augmentation before and after photos


Dr Ellis Choy brings credentials, attention to detail and considered taste to each client interaction at his Sydney area practice. His approachability, perceptiveness, empathy and sensitivity create a comfortable experience and lead to long-lasting patient relationships.

Dr Choy was educated at the University of Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and has been accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the Australasian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. These credentials underscore Dr Choy’s desire to hone his craft and deliver experiences that meet his clients’ expectations.

Dr Choy looks forward to welcoming you to his practice and sharing more information about breast implant surgery. You may call the doctor’s offices on 02 8962 9388 or book your consultation online if you prefer.

The information about breast augmentation was reviewed by Dr. Ellis Choy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For breast augmentation, these include:

  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant rupture or leak
  • Implant rippling or wrinkling
  • Implant displacement
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Chronic breast pain
  • Breastfeeding challenges
  • Interference with mammography
  • Breast implant illness (BII)
  • Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.

Breast Augmentation in Sydney 3D Animation