
Tuberous Breast Correction in Sydney

Tuberous Breast Correction Surgery With Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Ellis Choy

Tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts or hypoplastic breasts, lack sufficient glandular tissue. They may be tubular, constricted, or herniated to varying degrees. All these conditions are relatively common and can be addressed with appropriate surgical procedures. Improving symmetry and balance are the goals when undertaking tuberous breast correction.

Tuberous breasts are often noticed with the onset of puberty. The condition is not simply one of undeveloped small breasts, as there may be other underlying factors such as skin deficiency, malposition or herniation that exacerbate the appearance of the breasts. Women may exhibit one or more of these conditions, sometimes resulting in noticeable variations between the size and shape of both breasts. 

Women concerned about tuberous breasts — or who have any concern about the shape and appearance of their breasts — may call Sydney breast surgery physician Dr Ellis Choy on 02 8962 9388. Breast surgery can offer improvements in a wide variety of cases, including for patients who require complex reconstructive or revision procedures.

Are you ready for a consultation, click here to make an enquiry today.

The Relationship Between Breast Augmentation and a Tuberous Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation and tuberous breast correction are different procedures, although both may be performed simultaneously in a single breast surgery. If tuberous breast deformity goes undiagnosed or unrecognised, a breast augmentation alone won’t adequately address the problem. The technical skill of a highly qualified and experienced specialist plastic surgeon is required to address the situation appropriately.

A precise balance between reshaping, areolar balancing and augmentation may be appropriate for moderate to severe tuberous breast deformity. In other words, every tuberous breast scenario is different and needs to be addressed accordingly. These are just some of the reasons why choosing a qualified tuberous breast correction surgeon such as Dr Ellis Choy is important

These factors make the consultation process crucial for women who have tuberous breast concerns or other complex needs. During the consultation, the surgeon will acquire a deep understanding of the patient’s anatomy, experiences and goals, more than simply knowledge of the latest surgical techniques. Dr Choy understands that treating patients thoroughly involves much more than just clinical concerns. For this reason, he views the patient dialogue as a component of treatment as relevant to the outcome as operative care. 

Tuberous breast correction procedure

The surgical plan is customised based on individual anatomy and personal preferences. The consultation can include experimenting with inserts placed in a special bra to test different sizes and shapes. The surgery itself is generally performed as an outpatient procedure and takes approximately two to three hours.

A common tuberous breast correction procedure is to release constriction of the lower breast pole. This surgery assists by rounding the breast from the inside. If the tuberous breast correction is coupled with breast augmentation (implants), there are several factors to consider.

  • Your desired type of breast implant (silicone or saline) and shape
  • Placing the implant in a pocket determined by the chest muscle structure
  • Incision locations
  • A single operation or surgery carried out over stages

Additionally, breast implants can be placed above (subglandular) or below (submuscular) the chest muscle. There are several advantages of a submuscular augmentation. These include a softening of the breast’s upper pole, increased implant coverage, long-term stability and a decreased rate of contracture. Dr Choy will discuss the variables and options so you are educated about the procedure.

In most cases, the correction and augmentation can be carried out in a single operation. In situations where there are complex underlying issues with skin or breast tissue, several stages may be recommended. In these situations, a tissue expander (adjustable saline implant) may be temporarily fitted to expand the breast skin and tissue. Once the expander has done its job, a permanent implant is fitted.

Recovery and After-care

As an outpatient, you will be able to return home on the day of the operation. Your plan should include the assistance of a friend or family member to drive you home. You will initially wear a surgical bra to aid recovery, and also have drain tubes fitted to release any fluids that accumulate during the first week.

It’s not uncommon for patients to resume work and some activities after one week, although any strenuous activity, including exercise, must be delayed longer (typically six weeks). During the first two weeks, your breasts may be swollen or firm. Recovery is still ongoing at this point, and the size and shape of your new breasts will not become fully apparent for a couple of months. Any concerns during recovery can be addressed with Dr Choy, who will be with you every step of the way from consultation to operation and after-care.

The tuberous breast correction surgery cost will be determined by personal requirements and can be discussed with Dr Choy during your in-depth consultation. Prospective patients can also see the potential of their operation by viewing examples of Dr Choy’s work. Here are some tuberous breast correction before and after photos that show the results some of Dr Choy’s patients have achieved.

How do I find the best plastic surgeon in Sydney for my tuberous breast correction procedure?

Your choice of surgeon is extremely personal. What makes a surgeon a good fit for one patient might not make them a good fit for another. This is why it is essential to schedule consultations to evaluate your options. 

Dr Ellis Choy brings a combination of credentials, skill and refined taste to the practice of cosmetic medicine. He sees patients from the Sydney area as well as interstate patients who seek him out. His philosophy on patient care involves approachability, perceptiveness, empathy and sensitivity.

Dr Choy trained at the University of Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and has received accreditation from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons as well as the Australasian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 

In his training and practice, Dr Choy has built experience in various areas, including skin oncology, general surgery, breast augmentation and revision surgeries, and reconstructive surgery of the face, breast and body. The breadth of Dr Choy’s surgical knowledge has earned respect from peers and patients alike.

If you are considering tubular breast treatment in the Sydney area, you may schedule an appointment with Dr Choy by calling the doctor’s practice on 02 8962 9388 or booking a consultation online.

*The information about tuberous breast correction was reviewed by Dr. Ellis Choy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Click here to view our tuberous breast correction before and after photos

Why Patients in the Sydney Area and Beyond Trust Dr Choy

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For tuberous breast correction, these may include:

  • Breast surgery risks and complications, such as changes in nipple or breast sensation, breastfeeding challenges, chronic breast pain, and asymmetry in breast shape or nipple placement
  • Breast implant risks and complications, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture or leak, implant rippling or wrinkling, implant displacement, breast implant illness (BII) and breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.