
Liposuction in Sydney

Liposuction Surgery With Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Ellis Choy

Some areas of the body are predisposed to store fat. Our best efforts may not deliver the results we want in these areas, even when we eat healthfully and work out regularly. Factors like ageing and pregnancy can make it even more difficult to achieve and maintain the figure we want.

If you have certain stubborn fat bulges that you can’t shift no matter how much you try, liposuction could be the answer. Liposuction removes localised fat deposits that persist despite diet and exercise, improving body contours and proportions.

Dr Ellis Choy in Sydney has refined his body contouring techniques over two decades. He is known for his aesthetic results, attention to detail, and commitment to educating and empowering his patients. Contact our Sydney plastic surgeon to find out whether liposuction is right for you.


A diet or exercise routine that rids a friend of their belly pooch may have no effect on your abdomen. This is not necessarily due to a lack of effort on your part, but may instead come down to your unique genetic programming that determines where your body carries fat.

Liposuction is a time-tested procedure that reduces resistant fat in precise areas, including:

Your liposuction procedure will begin with an in-depth consultation with Dr Choy. He will take the time to understand your concerns and analyse your figure to determine what improvements can reasonably be achieved with liposuction. Once he has identified the target areas and the most suitable approach, he will walk you through what to expect in the upcoming days and weeks.


Good candidates for liposuction lead a healthy lifestyle but have found diet and exercise ineffective in reducing pockets of fatty tissue. Anyone considering liposuction must be clear that it is not a weight-loss surgery; it is intended for efficient spot reduction and contouring in localised areas. Therefore, individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight and committed to maintaining a stable weight after the procedure are the most suitable candidates.

Skin quality is also an important consideration. Liposuction removes fat cells but does not tighten the overlying skin, so people with good skin elasticity typically receive better results. Their skin is most likely to “snap back” and reform to the new contours.

In addition to these criteria, a candidate for surgery should be in good physical and mental shape, have reasonable expectations, be a non-smoker and be prepared to take the recommended amount of downtime.


Liposuction can be performed with a range of customised approaches. The procedure is typically done with general anaesthesia, but occasionally can be completed with local anaesthesia for small treatment areas.

To begin the surgery, Dr Choy makes small incisions in and around the target area. Through these incisions, he inserts a narrow tube called a cannula to dislodge and remove unwanted fat cells. Dr Choy manipulates the cannula around the area to create smoother contours. Your liposuction procedure may take an hour or several hours, depending on how many areas are included.


Immediately following the operation, it is normal to experience bruising and swelling. Dr Choy will provide instructions regarding dressing changes and medications for pain management. Refrain from exercise, heavy lifting and vigorous activities for at least four weeks.

You will need to wear a compression garment over the treated area to reduce inflammation and fluid accumulation. Initially, you will wear it continuously. After a checkup, Dr Choy will clear you to remove the garment daily for a shower. The usual recommendation is to continue wearing the compression garment for six weeks after surgery to encourage skin contraction and reshape your new form.

Most patients feel confident returning to work or academic programs within a week of their liposuction procedure.


You may see contour improvement in the treated area right after your surgery, although it can take up to six months for swelling to resolve and reveal your final results. When a Specialist Plastic Surgeon like Dr Choy performs liposuction, risks are minimised. However, be aware that certain complications such as unfavourable scarring, infection, bleeding and tissue damage may still occur, so it’s important to follow all post-operative care instructions.

Significant scarring after liposuction is uncommon. Dr Choy makes the incisions as small as possible and places them where they are least conspicuous. Most liposuction scars appear as small dots that fade slowly over the next six months until they are barely noticeable.

Liposuction eliminates fat cells permanently. They cannot grow back, allowing you to enjoy your new body contours for many years if you maintain good lifestyle habits. However, you can still gain weight after liposuction, so it’s important to keep up a regular exercise routine and a nutritious diet to ensure your leaner look has longevity. Many patients say they feel more motivated to stay healthy after liposuction.


As a dedicated and professional Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Choy brings his extensive training to women and men in Sydney and Coffs Harbour. His devotion to customised results makes him a positive choice for those seeking an improved body shape and slimmer contours.

Whether you want to shape sleeker thighs, reduce a double chin or flatten a stubborn stomach bulge, Sydney Plastic Surgeon Dr Choy will listen to your goals and work to achieve a proportionate result. Use our online form or call 02 8962 9388 to schedule your liposuction consultation with Dr Choy.

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For liposuction, these include:

  • Contour irregularities
  • Poor skin retraction
  • Temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation
  • Internal organ damage
  • Fat embolism
  • Kidney or heart complications
  • Lidocaine toxicity

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.

Liposuction in Sydney 3D Animation