
Breast Asymmetry Correction in Sydney

Breast Asymmetry Correction surgery with sydney plastic surgeon dr ellis choy

Most women notice a degree of variation in the size and shape of their breasts. This condition is called breast asymmetry, and in most cases, it is completely normal and natural. The difference is often insignificant enough that it is not noticeable. However, asymmetry sometimes results in breasts that are disproportionately out of balance. 

If this difference is bothersome, there are surgical techniques available to bring your breasts closer in size and/or shape. Depending on your individual needs, this may involve a breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction

Ultimately, the choice to change the look of your breasts is yours to make and an extremely personal one. Dr Choy makes your concerns the focus of his extensive consultation and his recommendation for treatment. His warm, personal and caring demeanor assists in making the consideration process as comfortable and inclusive as possible.

What Causes Breast Asymmetry?

Breast asymmetry has many natural causes. It is seldom an indication of cancer, although in some rare cases, it can be an early warning sign of the disease. The only way to know for sure is to have a breast exam by your doctor or a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, like Dr Choy. In most cases, however, breast asymmetry does not indicate a medical problem.

Common causes of breast asymmetry include:

  • Hormonal changes: Normal changes in a woman’s hormone levels throughout her life naturally affect the size of her breasts. These changes may have a different impact on each breast and can be permanent in nature.
  • Atypical ductal hyperplasia: Women experience this condition when milk-duct tissues grow rapidly in one or both breasts. The comparative rate of growth in each breast could lead to asymmetry.
  • Juvenile hypertrophy: Women with this condition experience rapid breast growth in one breast but not the other during puberty as a result of natural causes. Later breast growth and changes to the breast never correct the original asymmetry once it occurs.
  • Hypoplasia: This condition refers to breasts which never develop fully during puberty, resulting in small breasts which may be widely spaced or very uneven in appearance. The areolae may also be overly large and of differing sizes.
  • Breastfeeding: Often a newborn may prefer one breast over another during breastfeeding, causing the favored side to produce more milk, thus increasing its size. The condition will often return to normal, but sometimes, stretched skin can persist, leaving lasting asymmetry.
  • Trauma: Accidents or severe trauma to a woman’s chest can permanently alter the size of one or both breasts.

A surgical procedure can provide aesthetic improvements for any of these circumstances, producing a more even breast appearance.

What Are the Signs of Breast Asymmetry?

Asymmetric breasts usually display one or more of the following signs:

  • Uneven breast size
  • Uneven breast shape
  • Different nipple size or shape
  • Uneven nipple position

Moderate variations of these are expected in every woman, but sometimes the difference is extreme. This does not require surgical intervention if it does not bother you. However, if you desire a more balanced appearance, a breast asymmetry procedure can improve variations in breast size or shape even when they are significant.

Breast Asymmetry Surgery Options

Breast asymmetry surgeries are highly customisable and can be tailored to your specific needs. You will leave your consultation with Dr Choy already on your way to a personalised treatment based on your anatomy, medical history and aesthetic goals.

Possible procedures include:

  • Breast augmentation: A breast augmentation procedure will enlarge one or both breasts, through the use of implants. Different sized implants can be used in each breast to balance their size and shape.
  • Breast reduction: A breast reduction will reduce the size of one or both breasts by removing excess skin and fat to produce a more proportionate breast appearance. This may also reduce pain and discomfort in women who have very large breasts.
  • Breast lift: A breast lift will elevate the position of the breasts on the chest wall. This can be done on one breast only if they are in significantly different positions or on both breasts during the same operation.
  • Fat transfer augmentation: A fat transfer augmentation can alter the size and shape of the breasts without implants using fat from your own body. As with implant-based augmentation, this can be done on one or both breasts depending on what is needed to improve symmetry.
  • Nipple repositioning: Nipple repositioning adjusts the nipples to a different position on the breast, addressing malpositioning due to stretched skin, drooping breasts and other factors.

The underlying principle of breast asymmetry surgery is to create breasts that are similar in size and shape. It is up to you whether you prefer the smaller breast to be made larger or to decrease the size of the larger breast. Maintaining reasonable expectations is essential — some variation between the breasts is normal, even after surgery.

What Are the Risks Involved in Breast Asymmetry Surgery?

All surgeries have risks. You can reduce these risks by choosing a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with advanced training and skill, but the risk level is never zero. The risks of breast asymmetry surgery may include blood clots, infection, deep vein thrombosis and possible allergic reactions to your anaesthesia.

Breast surgeries share the same risks as general surgery but may also include capsular contracture, or internal scarring, as a result of placing the implant and also the possibility that the implant may later rupture. Implants are not lifetime devices and may need to be replaced in the future.

What Is Recovery From Breast Asymmetry Like?

If you receive implants as part of your breast asymmetry surgery, your recovery time will be around six weeks in total. Your surgeon will inform you of a suitable aftercare process that includes scheduled check-ups, wound healing methods and advice regarding your return to everyday activities. 

A second procedure is occasionally recommended to make small adjustments such as raising a nipple or transferring a little more fat into a particular area to further enhance symmetry, but only in unique circumstances. Dr Choy makes every effort to achieve the desired results for his patients in a single surgery.

Request a Consultation With Dr Choy

Dr Ellis Choy brings a combination of credentials, experience, attention to detail and aesthetic vision to patients who seek his surgical care in Sydney. He takes a careful, considerate and empathetic approach to addressing his patients’ needs and goals. 

Women in Sydney and the wider interstate region with concerns about their breast appearance may schedule an appointment with Dr Choy by calling 02 8962 9388 or booking their consultation online. 

*The information about breast asymmetry correction was reviewed by Dr. Ellis Choy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Click here to view our breast aymmetry correction before and after photos

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For breast asymmetry correction, these may include:

  • Breast surgery risks and complications, such as changes in nipple or breast sensation, breastfeeding challenges, chronic breast pain, and asymmetry in breast shape or nipple placement
  • Breast implant risks and complications, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture or leak, implant rippling or wrinkling, implant displacement, breast implant illness (BII) and breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.