
Breast Lift in Sydney

breast lift surgery with sydney plastic surgeon dr ellis choy

Childbirth, hormonal changes, weight loss and ageing can all change the size and shape of your breasts. While these bodily changes are completely normal, not every woman wishes to embrace them. If you would like to explore your options for cosmetic surgery, there are several breast enhancement or reshaping procedures that may help. A breast lift is one such surgery designed to create firmer, more elevated breasts.

A Personalised Approach to Breast Enhancement

Each patient has different needs. While some desire to improve the volume and size of the breast with breast augmentation surgery, others may choose to reduce the cup size of the breasts and make them look more proportionate to the rest of the body with breast reduction surgery. Dr Ellis Choy lends a listening ear to each and every patient, trying to understand their ultimate goals and desires.

An Overview of a Breast Lift Surgery

To perform the breast lift procedure, plastic surgeons make a few incisions around certain areas of the breast, excise some skin, reshape the tissue and then tighten the remaining skin to create perkier looking breasts. The surgeon may also reduce the size of the areola and reposition them to make the breasts look more symmetrical.

Incision Techniques

Dr Choy uses one of the following incision techniques to perform a breast lift. These include:

  • Anchor Lift (Inverted T Scar pattern): An anchor lift requires three incisions. One around the edge of the areola. The second running from the areola to the breast crease, and the third along the inframammary fold.
  • Peri-Areolar Lift (Circular scar pattern): Involves a donut-shaped incision around the edge of the areola.
  • Vertical Lift (Lollipop scar pattern): Requires two incisions. One donut-shaped incision around the areola and the other from the areola to the inframammary fold. Vertical lifts are suitable for patients who need extensive reshaping. Dr. Ellis Choy will tell you which incision is suited to your unique condition.

Breast Lift Without Implants

A breast lift without implants creates firmer breasts that sit back up on the chest wall. The procedure helps to reposition the breast and reduce loose breast tissue and drooping breasts. It’s intended for people who are happy with the size of their breasts but unhappy with stretched skin or asymmetrical looking breasts. The surgery remains the same as a traditional breast lift.

Breast Lift With Implants

Implants address the loss of fullness in the breast area. They fill up the breasts and make them appear larger and firmer than before, while the breast lift procedure gets rid of excess breast tissue and skin. After making an incision, Dr Choy will create a pocket within the breast, large enough to accommodate the implant. Depending on the type of implant selected, Dr Choy will use certain techniques to insert it into the body. Once the implant is placed beneath the skin, the incisions are sutured, and the affected area is bandaged.

Breast lift scars fade over a period of time but should not be expected to disappear entirely.

If you’d like to transform the look of your breasts, get in touch with Dr Ellis Choy’s practice. Call us on 02 8962 9388 to find out more about the cost of a breast lift. Also, view our gallery of breast lift before and after photos to see the results we have achieved.

Altering the Breast Contour

Breast lift surgery alters breast contours as well as shape and size, to provide fuller, firmer breasts. As you can see from the images in our before and after gallery, breast lifts can have an all-round effect on the aesthetics of the breast.

This page is designed to help you better understand what you can expect before and after your breast surgery, and to give you information on how the process works. If you need further details, or would like to book an appointment, get in touch with Dr Ellis Choy and his team today.

What to Expect During the Weeks After Surgery

Dr Choy and his team will hold an outpatient session with you to give you information on aftercare and on all the other aspects of your recovery. There will also be a follow-up check-up session to ensure you are on the right track.

However, it is still a good idea to be thoroughly informed, so here are some details on what you can expect.

The First Day After Surgery

For the first twenty-four hours after your breast lift cosmetic surgery, you are going to feel somewhat under the weather. You can expect to experience some of the following:

  • Sleepiness or drowsiness (it is certainly inadvisable to drive during the first twenty-four hours, post-surgery)
  • A possible dry or irritated throat
  • Mild sickness or queasiness
  • Mild pain, discomfort and stiffness in muscles and joints

The degree to which patients experience these symptoms is variable. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with Dr Ellis Choy and his team.

The First Week

While the symptoms should begin to subside within the first week, the mild pain and discomfort is likely to remain for this first week. Initially, a local anaesthetic will provide you with some relief, but this will wear off over time.

Most patients opt to manage the pain and discomfort they feel with anti-inflammatory medication. Speak to Dr Ellis Choy or his team for more information about the medication you could use to achieve this.

During this first week, you are advised to support the breasts with a post-operative bra. This helps to achieve better aesthetic results for your surgery, and also helps prevent excess swelling and damage.

After One Week

After one week following your surgical procedure, you should be ready to return to work. However, it is important to remember that you are not fully recovered yet and that some activities remain off limits to you.

Any strenuous activities should be avoided altogether, as should any activities that involve the movement of the breasts, including jogging and other such exercise. Over the next few weeks, you may begin to dabble with exercise again, but stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort at all.

Remember that Dr Ellis Choy and his team are only a phone call away, should you have any concerns about your progress.

Six to Eight Weeks After Surgery

By now, you should be feeling normal again and be able to go about your daily routine. You may wish to return to running and gym workouts, but you should remain mindful of any pain you experience.

At this stage you will still be having post-operative check-ups with Dr Ellis Choy and his team to ensure that your progress is good However, you may contact the team at any time outside of these check-up appointments – your health and comfort are our top priority.

*The information about breast lift was reviewed by Dr. Ellis Choy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For breast lift surgery, these include:

  • Asymmetry in breast shape or nipple placement
  • Partial or total loss of the nipples or areolae
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Breastfeeding challenges
  • Chronic breast pain

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.