
Post-Pregnancy Body Contouring in Sydney

post-pregnancy body contouring with sydney plastic surgeon dr ellis choy

Mothers go through many physical changes both during and after pregnancy. Some develop stretch marks, excess abdominal skin and fat accumulation on the thighs, hips and arms. Most notice a degree of visible difference in breast size and appearance. With the availability of post-pregnancy body contouring surgery, mothers can now target these areas of the body. Through a personalised combination of body contouring, liposuction, breast augmentation and tummy tucks (abdominoplasty), mothers can focus on their specific areas of concerns after pregnancy and childbirth.

With post-pregnancy body contouring, you choose a combination of plastic surgery procedures to address the issues that bother you the most. Diet and exercise play a vital role in bringing your body back to shape. They do not, however, tighten your skin, eliminate stretch marks or increase your skin’s elasticity. A specialist plastic surgeon can address these factors.

Changing Names, Changing Times

We are proud to offer a wide range of procedures to address the diverse needs of our patients, and we want to emphasise the significance of each surgery and the careful consideration it deserves. As part of this commitment, and to comply with regulations set forth by AHPRA, we would like to inform our valued patients that the term “mummy makeover” will no longer be used on our website or social media channels.

The terminology we use as aesthetic medical practitioners should be professional, inclusive, accurate and transparent. Our goal is always to help our patients make informed decisions based on their own personal desires, and our language should reflect that. The nickname of this procedure came about because mothers often showed interest in it, but it could be seen as suggesting that the physical changes accompanying pregnancy and childbirth are undesirable.

This is not acceptable. The human body comes in many shapes and sizes and is beautiful in all of them. Neither mothers nor anyone else should feel they need to alter the natural changes of life in order to meet arbitrary standards of beauty. Plastic surgery is an extremely personal choice, and we wish to empower all of our patients to make choices that reflect their personal desires and values.

From now on, “post-pregnancy body contouring” is our term of choice. We will continue to use medically accurate terminology as we provide responsible and experienced cosmetic care.

Benefits of Post-Pregnancy Body Contouring Surgeries:

Breast Lift/Enhancement

Whether you have sinking or large and disproportionate breasts, Dr Ellis Choy can recommend a procedure for altering the appearance and size of your bust. Patients can choose to use either silicone or saline implants to lift breasts and increase volume and shape. They can also opt for a breast reduction procedure to reduce the size and shape of their breasts and achieve a more balanced, firm and proportionately shaped bust.


Pregnancy often pulls apart the abdominal muscles which in turn results in loose skin. An abdominoplasty (also known as a tummy tuck) reverses these conditions and creates a firmer, flatter and more toned-looking abdomen. The procedure reduces excess fat and tightens abdominal muscles. Dr Ellis Choy can also help you minimise the appearance of loose skin on your tummy as well as stretch marks below the navel.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that reduces excess fat deposits on the arms, thighs, and waist.  Some of the latest fat removal procedures include ultrasound guided liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction. They leave you with a firmer body with reshaped contours in certain areas.


The dimensions of the labia may change following childbirth. Labiaplasty can address this by decreasing the size of the inner labia and altering the shape of the lips. The procedure ensures that the labia minora sit behind the frame of the labia majora.

What Post-Pregnancy Body Contouring Can Do

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but it also changes the body. Dr Ellis Choy’s post-pregnancy body contouring offers a range of procedures and treatment options.

Read on to learn more about what these procedures can do.

Assist with Fat Reduction

We have already mentioned the tummy tuck procedure. During this procedure, we will reduce fat on the waist and other areas, which may have accumulated during pregnancy, delivering a more toned figure. Click here to learn more about the tummy tuck and to see before and after images of this cosmetic surgery procedure.

Of course, it is important to remember that the procedure will only assist with fat reduction in the short-term. The fat you lose as part of the procedure will return unless you support the procedure with exercise and a healthy diet.

Removal of Excess Skin After Weight Loss

A by-product of weight loss is excess skin. This is because, while exercise burns fat, it has no effect on the skin which once covered this fat. As the fat reduces, the skin is left behind.

While the skin may return to its former shape and size after pregnancy, repeated pregnancies may result in excess skin, as the body finds it increasingly difficult to regenerate tissue in the dermal layer.

This excess skin is no longer taut and tight against the flesh beneath. Instead, it hangs loosely, creating bulges and droopy areas. Over time, this tends to grow worse because ageing skin loses its elasticity.

As part of a post-pregnancy body contouring procedure, we address this by reducing the excess skin and creating a more toned body contour.

Reversal of the Effects of Breast feeding

Breast feeding your child is one of the most natural and beautiful processes for a mother and baby. However, it can also significantly alter your breasts, particularly your nipples.

Nipples can become stretched, areolas can become distorted and disproportioned, and the breasts themselves can become heavy, drooping and asymmetrical.

As part of post-pregnancy body contouring, our team works to reverse these issues, reconstructing the breasts and producing a firmer, shapelier and more symmetrical bust.

There are several ways we can achieve this, including breast reduction, breast lift and breast augmentation.

Post-Pregnancy Body Contouring Recovery & Results

Like any surgical procedure, post-pregnancy body contouring comes with its own set of risks. Some of the potential risks and complications include bleeding, infection, blood clots, unfavourable scarring and asymmetrical results. The specific risks can vary depending on the combination of procedures performed. Dr Choy will review the risks of surgery during your consultation. 

Recovery time can also vary depending on the extent of the procedures performed. However, side effects such as discomfort, swelling and bruising are always to be expected in treated areas. Patients are advised to take time off from work and other daily activities and rest during the initial healing process. Dr Choy will provide post-operative instructions and prescribe medication to help manage pain. 

In some cases, surgical drains may be used. Compression garments are also an important part of recovery from body contouring procedures. These garments help reduce swelling, support healing tissues and help the body conform to its new shape. Patients typically wear compression garments for six to eight weeks after abdominal or body contouring procedures.

The results of post-pregnancy body contouring may last for years with a healthy lifestyle. Please note that no surgery is a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. You must be prepared to maintain your results with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Some amount of scarring will also be present, though Dr Choy will minimise visibility by placing incisions in discreet locations. Incision lines should fade over time and become less noticeable. 

Click here to view our post-pregnancy body contouring before and after photos

Sydney-area patients may contact Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Ellis Choy when considering a post-pregnancy body contouring procedure. He spends a substantial amount of time with each patient during their consultation to map out each woman’s unique goals carefully, so he can great a surgical plan based on their specific details.

Want to get started? Have any questions for Dr Ellis Choy and his team? Get in touch with us today.

*The information about post-pregnancy body contouring was reviewed by Dr Ellis Choy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications.

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For post-pregnancy body contouring surgery, these include:

  • Breast surgery risks and complications, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and breastfeeding challenges
  • Liposuction risks and complications, such as contour irregularities, skin laxity, skin numbness, and internal organ damage
  • Abdominoplasty risks and complications, such as temporary or permanent changes in skin sensation, navel malposition or deformity, and unfavourable scarring
  • Extended anaesthetic exposure due to multiple procedures being performed simultaneously
  • Longer recovery time and significant postoperative restrictions

Next Steps

Request a consultation with Dr Choy for a detailed discussion of these considerations. Dr Choy will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. He and his team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.