Breast Augmentation Surgery for Fuller Breasts – What to Expect


Breast augmentation is one of the most common surgical procedures that I perform. I believe that this type of procedure is ideal for increasing breast size for women who have either an A or B cup, as well as for enhancing breasts after a change of the natural contour due to pregnancy or simply because of the ageing process. I recommend that you find out what to expect during and after this procedure and this will help you decide if breast augmentation is right for you.

Understanding the Procedure for Breast Enlargement

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, I will sit down with you and discuss the details of your procedure, including the size and type of your implants, your expectations, as well as what you can expect during the recovery process. There are several different approaches that can be taken. For example, going over your existing muscle is likely to give you less interference when you move thus making this option suitable if you have an active lifestyle. Having the implants placed under the muscle will give you a further ‘boost’ on the upper area of your breasts, and if your tissue coverage is sufficient, there will be less chance of the implants being visible. However, with the implants inserted under the muscle, you should be prepared for a certain degree of muscle interference.

The breast augmentation procedure is completed with one surgery, which generally takes about an hour. While under general anaesthesia, an incision is made under each breast. The applicable implants are then inserted and positioned. It’s my primary goal for every one of my patients that your new breasts look as natural as possible.

Recovery From Breast Augmentation

Once I’ve completed your surgery, you’ll need to rest and allow the healing process to take place. We will supply you with a surgical bra to wear in the weeks following surgery and I may require you to use a stabilizer to keep your new implants in place. In most cases, my patients can return home on the same day, while in some cases I recommend an overnight hospital stay.

It’s important for you to understand that, like any surgery, you should be realistic about the recovery process. For the first 5 to 7 days, you can expect the highest amount of swelling, as well as some pain. This discomfort will subside over the next 4 to 6 weeks. I tell my patients that they should plan to avoid going back to work for 1 to 2 weeks post-op, especially if your job involves any heavy lifting or manual activity.

I have found that many women are concerned about scarring after breast augmentation surgery. Generally, it takes between 12 to 18 months for the healing process to complete and for scarring to fade. You should also expect the colouring and appearance of your scars to change, especially over the first six months.

My patients can typically resume light physical activity from 4 weeks after surgery, however, more intensive gym or sporting activity should only be resumed 3 to 6 months after your surgery.

Possible Complications

It’s very important that you choose a skilled and highly experienced breast enhancement surgeon, as this will reduce your chances of having complications.

Having said that, breast augmentation is a surgical procedure and as such, it does come with some risk. Possible complications include the formation of scar tissue, hardened breasts, lingering pain and changes in the sensation of the nipple and breast. The risks involved do vary depending on a multitude of factors, including your tissue quality, preferences for the procedure, and your surgeon’s skill and experience.

Whether you want natural looking breasts or a full, voluptuous shape, breast augmentation surgery can assist. You can learn more about breast augmentation here, and the other cosmetic enhancement procedures that I perform on my website.

See our breast augmentation before & after gallery.
