Breast implant removal: What are my options after my old implant is explanted?


While the lifespan of breast implants may be years, there is no medical device that is designed to have an indefinite lifespan. Regular check-ups are always recommended to ensure continued patient safety after their augmentation surgery.

Patients who experience no issues with their implants, maintain good health and remain happy with the look and feel of their results may not need to take any action.

However, women who experience medical concerns or changes in lifestyle or aesthetic preference may wish to replace or remove their old implants. In this case, breast implant explantation surgery is required. As one of Sydney’s explantation surgeons, Dr Ellis Choy has performed this procedure for many patients.

What Is an Implant Explantation?

Implant explantation is a complex surgery designed to remove old breast implants and in many cases treat any scar tissue that may have formed around it in the breast pocket.

In an in-person consultation, Dr Choy will work with you to determine a suitable approach to explantation. Drawing on a combination of experience and expertise, Dr Choy aims to remove implants while maintaining a contour that suits your body proportions.

Commons Reasons for Implant Removal

There are several reasons women may consider implant removal. If you are concerned about the health of your implants or are considering revision surgery, a qualified specialist plastic surgeon like Dr Choy can help you determine whether explantation is necessary. Some of the most common reasons for this treatment include:

  • Capsular contracture (formation of scar tissue) around implants
  • Infection in the breast pocket
  • Implant rupture of failure
  • Dissatisfaction with the look of current implants
  • Breast revision, lift or reshaping surgery
  • Breast cancer
  • Concerns about breast implant illness
  • Implants require repositioning
  • Changes in lifestyle or personal choice

The Implant Removal Procedure

The implant explantation procedure will depend primarily on your condition and what you are hoping to resolve or achieve with your treatment.

For those seeking to replace or reposition implants, the surgery will be relatively similar but more involved than the primary augmentation, as any issues with breast tissue that are discovered after implant removal must be corrected before the insertion of new implants. Dr Choy takes meticulous care when completing this process, keeping your safety in mind at all times.

Some women wish to permanently remove their implants. In this case, the breast tissue and surrounding skin may have stretched to accommodate the implant. During this procedure, Dr Choy will remove excess breast skin and tighten the tissue to provide better support. In some cases, he will also resize the areolae to complement the new shape and size of your breasts.

Dr Choy is experienced in treating medical concerns that have resulted from breast implants. In more complex cases where capsular contracture or infection has occurred in the breast, Dr Choy will remove hardened capsules or breast tissue to repair breast health. As a member of the Australian Breast Device Registry, he is committed to ensuring your safety and strives to balance your restorative and cosmetic needs.

Treatment Options for Post-Explantation

Patients who opt to have their implants removed have various options available post-explantation. Many women choose not to do anything additional after removing their implants. If that option does not appeal to you, Dr Choy will take the time to understand your reasons for treatment and identify a plan of action. That plan may include:

Implant Replacement

Implant replacement is suitable for those seeking to resize their breasts or replace their current implants. During your consultation, Dr Choy will re-examine your breasts and work with you to determine the implant size, shape and material that you prefer.

Fat Transfer

A fat transfer can restore some of the volume and fullness that is lost after implant removal. This involves taking fat from another area of the body (often the abdomen or thighs), purifying the fat cells, then injecting them into the breasts to increase volume. Due to the nature of the fat transfer procedure, this treatment is only suitable for patients who do not want to be more than half to a full cup size above their original breast size.

Breast Lift or Reshaping

Implant explantation will generally bring the breast back to its original size. However, as the skin and surrounding tissue have stretched over time to accommodate the implant, the removal procedure may reveal some loose tissue or droopiness in the breast. A breast lift or reshaping procedure can address this.

Why Choose Dr Choy for Implant Removal

As one of Sydney’s specialist plastic surgeons, Dr Choy is committed to the well-being of his patients. He strives to treat every patient with empathy and attention to detail. If you are considering implant removal or replacement, call Dr Ellis Choy’s practice on (02) 8692 9388 or complete an enquiry form to schedule your consultation.
