Breast Implant Revision Surgery


Over the years, I’ve performed numerous breast implant revision surgeries. While everyone hopes their initial surgery will meet or exceed expectations, even if you had your procedure performed by a highly experienced plastic surgeon, your breasts may not look and feel as you had envisioned – or you may find yourself experiencing complications.

Whether your concern with your implants is because of complications during the initial procedure, natural descent due to gravity and time, or simply aesthetic preferences have not been addressed, we can meet to discuss a breast implant revision surgery.

Discussing Your Breast Implant Revision Procedure

When you come to me to discuss a revisional surgery, I’ll take the time to listen to your concerns. Together we can come up with a procedure plan to suit your needs. Your options may include having your implants removed, replaced, a breast lift procedure or a more complex augmentation.

We’ll sit down and discuss your aspirations, as well as what is possible depending on your body and health. To achieve a balance with size, shape and symmetry from a revisional procedure, various breast, skin and implant factors will need to be carefully considered.

From my experience, your native breast dimensions and nipple position play critical roles in determining the approach for your revision revision surgery. For example, in “low-breasted” women, or if the nipple position lies at or below the inframammary fold, a breast lift may help to elevate the residual breast tissue and the nipple areolar to a higher position.

My patients who have an appropriate quantity and quality of breast skin may consider a breast lift to tighten the overlaying breast skin envelope. This creates a firmer, perkier look.

Whether you will replace your current implants or not is a big decision. Breast implant removal or replacement with a breast lift procedure can be a complex surgery. Naturally, the bigger the implants you currently have and the longer you’ve had them, the more they may have stretched your skin, resulting in loose skin or a drooping appearance. A lot of factors go into this decision, including the lifespan of your implants, what type they are, and any functional or aesthetic complications.

Recovery Timeline After a Breast Implant Revision

A patient’s recovery time will vary based on how complex the revisional procedure was, as well as the body’s tolerance to anaesthesia and surgery. It is feasible for a straightforward implant explantation to be a one-day procedure that will require less downtime. If you undergo a breast lift or have new implants put in, naturally you may expect a longer recovery period to allow for healing. Recovery is unique to the patient, and we will discuss specific expectations and guidelines as they apply to you during your consultation.

In my experience as a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, I’ve found that no two patients experience the same level of pain. I do recommend, even if you feel well in the weeks after your surgery, to avoid heavy lifting and to take it easy both mentally and physically as this will encourage a healthy healing process. All my patients receive specific instructions for their post-operative care based on each individual’s unique circumstances.

Possible Complications With a Revisional Surgery

I always take the time to explain to my patients all the potential risks involved with breast implant revisional surgery. For example, with a breast lift during a revision, there may be extra surgical scars on the breast mounds. As with any breast augmentation, there is also the risk of changes to the look and sensation of the nipple and breast.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that even with a revisional procedure, you may still require more surgery in the future, especially if you experience complications. Therefore, I tell all my patients to come in once a year, so I can check on their overall health. While implants can last for a long time, it is reasonable to expect that you’d need or want some type of revisional work about 10 to 15 years after the first breast implant surgery.

Find out more about whether you would be a good candidate for a breast implant revision by requesting a consultation. You may call my office on 02 6190 0975 or enquire here.
