FAQ: Deep Plane Facelifts and Fat Graft Facelifts


As we age, our face and neck go through changes. The first signs of ageing are often seen in a loss of fullness (volume) in the face. Our “baby fat” disappears, giving our face a slimmer profile and more defined contours. 

As the ageing process continues, we lose more volume, and the structural integrity of our skin and muscles begins to decline. Our face may develop hollow or sunken areas and the ligaments that once held our tissues taut grow weak. Wrinkles, folds and loose skin become more pronounced. 

Dr Ellis Choy offers a variety of treatments to enhance facial definition and address signs of ageing, including deep plane facelift surgery and facial fat grafting. These procedures are very different, and it’s important to learn more about both before deciding if one of these approaches is right for you.

What Is a Deep Plane Facelift?

Early facelift techniques relied solely on tightening the skin to reduce looseness and smooth wrinkles, while the underlying tissues were left untouched. This could result in an unnatural “pulled” or “windswept” look that made it readily apparent that surgical enhancement had taken place.

Skin-only facelifts were later replaced by the SMAS facelift, a technique that tightens the muscular layer of the face as well as the skin. A deep plane facelift is the most advanced approach to facial rejuvenation. In this technique, the skin and underlying tissues are kept in alignment with each other, and the entire system is repositioned as a single unit. 

What Is Facial Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting involves removing some of the patient’s own fat from strategic areas and transferring it to new areas. In a fat graft facelift, tiny amounts of fat are harvested (typically from the abdomen or thighs), processed in a centrifuge, then injected into targeted facial areas with a precise micro droplet technique.

Fat grafting is a suitable alternative to a deep plane facelift for some patients because it is less invasive and does not require incisions on the head or neck (though it does require incisions to insert the liposuction cannula). It can also provide a longer-lasting alternative to nonsurgical treatments for patients seeking volume restoration.

Which Technique Produces More Natural Results?

Fat grafting is “natural” both in how it looks and in how it is accomplished. The procedure is performed using material taken from the patient’s own body — there is nothing foreign or artificial involved. The transferred fat cells that survive the procedure replace the facial fat cells that have been lost over time. This gives a subtle result.

Which Technique Produces More Dramatic Results?

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, a deep plane facelift can deliver a subtle result, just like fat grafting. However, this technique can also provide more dramatic enhancements for patients who desire more extensive changes. The deeper nature of the procedure requires a longer recovery period, but it also means it can address a wider range of conditions and offer greater longevity.

Which Facelift Technique Is Right for Me?

This depends on multiple factors that will be discussed in your consultation. Some of the considerations are:

  • The specific nature of your concerns
  • Your desired degree of change
  • The quality of your skin
  • Your tolerance for scars and downtime
  • Whether you want a subtle or dramatic result
  • How long you want your results to last

Dr Choy takes a customised approach to facial surgery. He will design a surgical plan that is tailored to your age, facial structure and aesthetic tastes.

Addressing the Unique Beauty of Every Face

Cosmetic surgery is a field of constant innovation. Dr Choy prioritises continuing education and utilises state-of-the-art techniques. He will carefully analyse your unique ageing pattern in order to customise your surgical plan. With thoughtful planning and skilled execution, a facelift can produce results you can enjoy for years to come. If you are interested in learning more about these cosmetic techniques, call Dr Ellis Plastic Surgery in Sydney NSW on +61 2 8962 9388 to schedule your consultation today.
