MyEllevate FAQs: Everything You Need to Know About the Nonsurgical Neck Lift


As we age, the skin, fat, muscle and glands under our chin and jaw begin to descend. This process leads to the loss of jawline and neck definition that historically has been treated with neck lift surgery.

As a specialist plastic surgeon with extensive experience in the field, Dr Choy understands that the decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure is complex. You may feel hesitant to undergo a traditional neck lift due to the invasiveness, scarring, risk, recovery time or fears of an unnatural result. These are valid concerns, and while many patients ultimately decide neck lift surgery is right for them, others seek out alternatives.

This is where MyEllevate comes in. MyEllevate is a less invasive neck rejuvenation procedure that uses a suture suspension to elevate the soft tissues in the jaw and neck region. Below, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about MyEllevate so you have a better understanding of the procedure and can make an informed decision.

How Does MyEllevate Work?

Dr Choy performs the MyEllevate procedure using a small, illuminated suture rod to weave a suture underneath the skin. When pulled, the suture cinches the underlying muscles together, creating a supportive sling and elevating the soft tissues. The result is a smoother, firmer neck and a more defined jawline without the need for traditional open surgery. 

How Does MyEllevate Differ From a Traditional Neck Lift Surgery?

myellevate vs neck lift

Is MyEllevate a Thread Lift?

MyEllevate is not a thread lift. While both procedures use sutures, the material and placement of the sutures are different. MyEllevate utilises a non-absorbable suture material to create a supportive sling underneath the jawline, which is different from the temporary material used in sutures for a thread lift. 

Additionally, MyEllevate anchors the muscles and skin of the neck to the neck fascia, similar to a traditional neck lift, which produces a more durable and long-lasting result compared to a thread lift. 

Is MyEllevate Painful?

As a less invasive procedure, the discomfort and pain associated with MyEllevate are generally tolerable. Local anaesthesia is used to numb the targeted area. Any discomfort or pain that occurs post-procedure can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

What Kind of Anaesthesia Is Used During the Procedure?

MyEllevate is performed under local anaesthesia, which allows patients to remain awake and aware throughout the procedure while minimising the risks associated with general anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia also makes the recovery process easier and faster for patients.

What Are the Steps of the MyEllevate Procedure?

The basic steps of the MyEllevate procedure are as follows:

  1. The patient is given a local anaesthetic to numb the treatment area
  2. Small punctures are created and an illuminated suture rod is inserted
  3. The suture rod is used to create a tunnel underneath the skin in the jaw and neck area.
  4. A non-absorbable suture is placed through the suture rod and passed through the underlying muscles and soft tissues
  5. Once the suture is in place, it is tightened and secured to create the desired lift
  6. The punctures are closed with medical adhesive 

The procedure takes approximately one hour, and the patient returns home on the same day.

What Is the Recovery Time After the Procedure?

Patients typically require a relatively short recovery time after the MyEllevate procedure. It’s normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, bruising and tightness in the treated area immediately after the procedure, but these typically subside within a few days. Most people can return to work within one week. 

It’s critical to follow all of Dr Choy’s post-operative instructions carefully. This may include avoiding strenuous exercise or other activities for a certain period of time, wearing a neck collar or chin strap, and attending follow-up appointments so Dr Choy can monitor your healing process. 

Are There Any Potential Risks or Complications Associated With the Procedure?

Like any surgical procedure, MyEllevate does carry certain risks. Potential complications include bleeding, infection, scarring, asymmetry and persistent inflammation around the suture. In rare cases, if infection or prolonged swelling does occur and cannot be resolved, it may be necessary to remove the suture.

Are There Any Scars or Visible Marks After the Procedure?

Unlike traditional neck lift surgery, no large incisions are made during the procedure that may produce conspicuous scarring. The puncture sites where the sutures are placed are tiny, leading to discreet scars.

Will I Look Unnatural?

Dr Choy strives to provide a result that enhances your appearance rather than drastically altering it. The MyEllevate technique is specifically designed to lift and tighten the neck and jawline in a visible yet subtle way. The unique suture suspension system does not produce the overdone or unnatural look that may be seen following an inexpertly performed neck lift surgery.

Will I Need to Undergo Additional Procedures in the Future?

While the results of MyEllevate can last for years with a healthy lifestyle and consistent skincare routine, the ageing process does not stop after the procedure. Factors such as gravity, sun exposure and lifestyle habits will continue to affect the appearance of your neck over time. If these changes bother you, another neck rejuvenation procedure can be considered.

Can I See Before and After Photos of Other Patients Who Have Undergone MyEllevate?

Of course! At Dr Choy’s Sydney plastic surgery practice, we understand that seeing the results of a procedure is important when making a decision about undergoing treatment. You will have the opportunity to view before and after photos of other patients who have undergone the MyEllevate procedure during your consultation. Please keep in mind that each patient is unique, and the results of the procedure may vary depending on individual factors. 

Am I a Good Candidate for MyEllevate?

The ideal candidate for MyEllevate is someone who has mild to moderate loosening in the neck area. A traditional neck lift may be indicated in cases of significant laxity. Dr Choy will assess factors such as your aesthetic goals, medical history, skin elasticity and overall health to determine if MyEllevate is an option for you. 

Can Anyone Perform the MyEllevate Procedure?

When considering any cosmetic procedure, choosing a provider you can trust is crucial. MyEllevate requires special training, and not all physicians are qualified to perform it. In addition to being a specialist plastic surgeon, Dr Choy is among the first surgeons in Australia to complete the MyEllevate training and become a qualified provider of the procedure.

Book In for Your MyEllevate Consultation Today

If you’re looking for a less invasive treatment to lift, smooth and define your neck and jawline, MyEllevate may be the answer. There are many procedures to choose from these days, and Dr Choy will help you navigate your options to determine the right one for your specific needs. 

As a specialist plastic surgeon who is always seeking the most progressive and advanced procedures, Dr Choy is happy to offer MyEllevate at his clinics in Sydney and Coffs Harbour. Submit an enquiry today.
