What Is the Cost of Rhinoplasty in Sydney, Australia? (2022)


At the plastic surgery practice of Dr Ellis Choy, we recognise that the decision to have rhinoplasty surgery is an investment of both time and financial resources.

Before you determine whether surgery is right for you, we want you to be fully informed about the costs the procedure may involve, so you can plan for the future and make sensible decisions about how you wish to proceed. This reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of transparency and integrity with our patients.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we get about the cost of nose surgery in Sydney.

What Costs Are Involved in Plastic Surgery?

The total cost of any cosmetic surgery procedure includes many smaller costs. Notably, these include:

  • Surgeon — This fee typically includes the entire cost of preoperative care, surgery and postoperative care. Costs vary based on the surgeon’s qualifications and experience.
  • Anaesthetist — General anaesthesia comes at a higher cost than local or regional anaesthesia. Costs vary based on the anaesthetist’s qualifications and experience.
  • Surgeon’s Assistant — An assistant may be needed for longer, more complex operations.
  • Facility —  Expect this fee to be higher for facilities in major cities and for surgeries requiring an overnight stay.
  • Medications — Medications may be prescribed before surgery as part of preparation and/or after surgery as part of recovery.
  • Recovery Supplies — Some procedures require special garments, dressings or other products as part of the healing process.

How Does the Type of Rhinoplasty Affect the Cost?

Because every nose is unique, there is no single approach to rhinoplasty that works for every patient. Your procedure will be customised to suit your anatomy and goals. This is a major factor determining the final cost of your surgery.

For example, a primary surgery (meaning it is the first time you are undergoing that procedure) may be less expensive than a secondary surgery (which refers to any time the procedure is repeated after the primary operation). Revision rhinoplasty is one of the most complex procedures in plastic surgery, and therefore it can command a significantly higher cost.

The technique used for your surgery also affects the price. As an example, let’s look at Asian rhinoplasty for a hypothetical patient who wishes to augment the bridge of their nose. There are a few different ways to accomplish this, including a tissue graft taken from the patient’s own rib cartilage (autologous graft) and a tissue graft taken from a cadaver rib (cadaveric graft).

The autologous graft is a less expensive option. However, it requires surgery on two sites of the body and therefore incurs more discomfort and an extra scar. The cadaveric graft is a more expensive technique, but it minimises scarring and pain for the patient.

As is always the case in plastic surgery, there are pros and cons to all approaches. Dr Choy will help you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of your rhinoplasty options so you can make an informed choice.

What Else Might Affect the Cost of Rhinoplasty?

Any additional procedure included with your rhinoplasty will add to the cost in some ways. This can be more affordable than having each surgery done individually, as it means only paying facility fees and anaesthesia fees once. However, it also adds to the risk level.

Does Medicare Cover Rhinoplasty in Australia?

Medicare will only pay benefits for plastic surgery if it is considered medically necessary and not a purely cosmetic procedure. According to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), a Medicare benefit is available for rhinoplasty in the following cases:

  1. airway obstruction and the patient has a self-reported NOSE Scale score of greater than 45
  2. significant acquired, congenital or developmental deformity

Dr Choy specialises in cosmetic rhinoplasty. When nose surgery is undertaken purely for aesthetic reasons, Medicare does not cover the costs.

Does Private Health Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty in Australia?

A private insurer may cover rhinoplasty surgery if the referring doctor says it’s necessary for the patient’s health and well-being. A functional or therapeutic rhinoplasty involves modifying the external/outside nasal structures to improve breathing or reconstruct abnormal nasal anatomy due to trauma or natural deformity. A top-level or possibly mid-level policy would be necessary for private health insurance to contribute to the costs of rhinoplasty.

While some functional benefits may come about as a result of nose surgery with Dr Choy, his focus is cosmetic rhinoplasty.

Are There Other Financing Options for Rhinoplasty?

We are happy to discuss an instalment plan that could help make your rhinoplasty procedure possible. Alternatively, some lenders offer personal ‘medical loans’ to assist with procedures not covered within the public and private health insurance systems.

If you are considering taking on debt to help pay for a cosmetic rhinoplasty, think carefully about the impact the repayments may have on your credit score and any existing financial commitments. Make sure you can repay the loan comfortably and do so within the specified time period.

The Final Tally: What Is the Cost of Rhinoplasty in Sydney?

The cost of a rhinoplasty in Sydney can range from $12,000–$20,000. This range is significant, as much depends on individual factors such as the complexity of the procedure. All prices are estimates until you have a one-on-one consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon to determine the accurate cost of your procedure.

After meeting with Dr Choy and deciding to proceed with surgery, you will receive a detailed Cost/Payment Schedule that clearly outlines all costs associated with your proposed rhinoplasty procedure.

Meet With Dr Ellis Choy to Discuss Your Rhinoplasty

If you are interested in a rhinoplasty procedure, a general fee estimate can be provided over the phone. For a detailed and accurate account of the total cost and individual fees involved, an in-person consultation is required.

Please call 02 8962 9388 or enquire online to learn more about the cost of rhinoplasty in Sydney and Coffs Harbour.
