What to Expect From Your Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation has come a long way since the invention of the modern breast implant in 1961. Today’s procedures are more customisable and capable of achieving more natural-looking results than before.

But even with our advanced techniques and technologies, breast augmentation is a major surgery, and it is essential to understand what to expect during every stage of the process. Knowing what lies ahead can help you plan physically, financially and emotionally to minimise surprises and stress.

This information will be covered in depth during your consultation. Below, you will find some highlights from the breast augmentation procedure timeline.

Preparation for Your Breast Augmentation

Before your breast augmentation surgery, you will consult with Dr Choy about your preferences for the size and feel of your breasts. Together you will make decisions about the type, shape and volume of implants that will be used, as well as options for surgical techniques. Dr Choy aims to make the consultation a caring and personal experience.

Your consultation will also include an explanation of the steps you should take to prepare for surgery. These may include:

  • Adjusting or temporarily stopping certain medications and supplements
  • Having a baseline mammogram done
  • Having bloodwork done
  • Stopping tobacco use for six weeks
  • Keeping up a healthy diet and fitness routine
  • Taking time off work or school
  • Arranging for someone to take you home after the surgery
  • Arranging for assistance with childcare, pet care and/or household duties
  • Preparing your home for recovery
  • Refraining from eating or drinking for a short period before your surgery

You will leave this appointment with a clear idea of what a breast augmentation would look like for you, as well as quotes of the expected timeline and cost. You will have the opportunity to book your surgery now if you are ready to proceed.

Day of Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

On the day of your breast surgery, please wear loose, comfortable clothing with a shirt that buttons or zips so it does not have to be pulled over your head. Come without makeup, jewellery or contact lenses (wear glasses if you need them). You will not be able to shower immediately after the surgery, so patients typically like to shower the morning of or night before. 

Breast augmentations are usually performed under general anaesthesia and take approximately one hour. Your surgery may take longer if it is a more complex procedure or involves multiple procedures.

After the surgery, you will wake up in a recovery room and be monitored. Most patients are allowed to return home under the care of a friend or family member once the monitoring period is complete. A trusted adult should remain with you for at least the first 24 hours, as you will initially be groggy from anesthesia and on pain medications.

In certain cases, an overnight stay in the hospital is advised. 

Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

The breast augmentation recovery timeline and experience can vary significantly from patient to patient. Your recovery will depend on your health, the specifics of your procedure and your adherence to the aftercare instructions. The following milestones and recommendations are general, and Dr Choy will provide specific information at your consultation, surgery and follow-up appointments.


Swelling and soreness are likely for a few weeks after surgery. Icing can help keep swelling down, and medicines will help manage your discomfort. If Dr Choy gives you a prescription for pain medicine, take it as prescribed. Transition to an over-the-counter medicine as soon as you can. Dr Choy may also prescribe antibiotics and/or medication for nausea, which should be taken as directed.

Incision Care

Dr Choy will provide instructions on how to care for your incisions, including best practices for personal hygiene and dealing with dressings. Follow his instructions precisely to promote proper wound healing and scar development.


Wear comfortable, nonrestrictive clothing in the early weeks of your recovery. Initially, you will need to wear a special bra day and night that supports the implants. You will later be allowed to transition to a sports bra or bra without an underwire. Avoid underwire bras until Dr Choy determines that they will not interfere with your healing.

Time Off

If you do not have a physically demanding job, you might be able to return to work after one week of rest. Some patients feel ready even sooner. Dr Choy may recommend more time off if you have a physically demanding job or if your procedure is more complex.


Postpone vigorous exercise, heavy lifting and other strenuous activities for at least two to four weeks after surgery. These things could strain your delicate, healing incisions or put your sensitive breasts at risk for jarring physical contact. Return to your pre-surgery activity levels gradually and follow Dr Choy’s guidance.

Your Breast Augmentation Results

Patience is required with any cosmetic surgery. While increased fullness will be evident immediately after your breast augmentation, your breasts may initially look overly large and feel too firm due to swelling. They also may appear to sit too high on your chest until the implants have had time to settle. It can take two months or more before you can see the final outcome of your breast augmentation.

Scars typically look worse before they look better. Over time, and with proper care, most scars fade and flatten. It can take 12 to 18 months for scars to reach their final appearance. Be sure to follow Dr Choy’s regimen for scar minimisation to support this process.

Start Your Breast Augmentation Journey With Dr Ellis Choy

If you believe breast augmentation is right for you now that you know more about the process, the next step is to book a consultation with Dr Choy. Please request your appointment online or call us on 02 8962 9388.
